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Certificate Courses
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Sports Cultural Events 23 24
Value Added Course
Earth Citizenship and CSR
Earth Citizionship 23 24
Resource person: Ms.Nilima Bhat, Founder & Director of Shakti Leadership
Insights to Prevention of Sexual Harassment
A quiz was floated by the institute on Gender Inclusive
Resource Person: Dr. Viddulata Gawade Dr. Viddulata Gawade
Resource Person: Dr. Sadhana Natu
Resource Person: Ms. Alka Joshi
Resource Person: Adv. Ruby Chhatwal, member of our Prevention of Sexual Harassment Committee
Resource Person: Dr. Shital Punjabi (Senior Gynaecologist and IVF Specialist)
Resource Persons: Ms. Divya Hegde, CEO and Founder of the Integrated Penguin;
Resource Person: Director, Dr. B Nanwani and Ms. Charu Mudholkar, Aks Foundation.
Nirbhay Kanya Abhiyan – 2022
Resource Persons: API Sujata Shanme, API Manisha Tule, Ms Ankita Atram and Mrs. Sarika Sonwane
To spread more awareness about this concept of Gender Equality
Resource Person: Dr. Girija Wagh
Resource Person: Dr. V. Gawade
Resource Person: Dr. Sneha Nagar
Resource Person: Dr. Sweta Mohapatra
Activities 5th March 2022 E-Poster making activity was conducted at SVIMS on 5th March 2022.
Resource Person: Ms. Mansi Tambe
Resource Person: Advocate Sonawane
Resource Person: Mr. Mukund Joglekar, Founder Director, Touch Innerself