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Easter Day Celebrations

18 April 2022

Judge:Ms. Sonali Joshi

Easter celebrations at SVIMS started with great zeal and enthusiasm. Shivani Batheja from MBA-I
hosted the event and began with a welcome speech. The speech was followed by a video exhibiting
the importance of Easter – “An Easter Message of Hope and Trial” (
and why it is celebrated.

Merlin Martin, student from MBA-I gave the Easter message and briefed the audience with the story
of Jesus’s crucifixion and rise. This was followed by another video “HE is the One

Ms. Sonali Joshi shared her Easter experience and encouraged students to share their personal
stories as well. Salomi Gore, student of MBA I enthralled everyone with her song devoted in praise of
Lord Almighty. The event ended with a vote of thanks by Shivani Batheja.

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