MBA Programme is now NBA Accredited (2024-2027)
Preparation for Competitive Exams
Resource Person: Mr. Prakash Gaikwad, Assistant Commissioner of Police

Assistant Commissioner of Police, Mr. Prakash Gaikwad motivated the students for the preparation of competitive exams. In the session he gave a brief overview of the syllabus of MPSC and UPSC. He spoke about how dedication and regularity are important for success in competitive exams. He addressed the students about the tips and tricks which are quite important in preparing for competitive exams such as how to go through the syllabus thoroughly and invest more time in analyzing the weaknesses and pay more attention to such topics; how to prepare timetable with regular breaks; techniques for making flowcharts, tables, graphs, and other visual techniques. He emphasized on four keys for success in competitive examinations: Target, Dedication, Efforts and Continuity. He recommended referring to standard study material; taking proper rest and sleep; being positive and confident; and revising whatever has been studied.