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Freshers’ Party

29th May, 2021

MBA Students

Our MBA II students had expected these pandemic times to end by the time they would move to the IVth semester and Part I students would progress to IInd semester to throw a Fresher’s party for them. But, that did not happen and hence, they ultimately planned a virtual Freshers’ meet. And how! Like it’s theme of ‘Colour yourself in Rainbow’, this entire party was lighted up with colours. This meet carried more importance this year than ever because these students have yet not met each other offline. Thus, to bring everyone on a common platform and in a fun way, this virtual party was organised. While, physical interaction brings about dynamism and builds strong relationships, through interesting games and activities in this virtual meet, an effort was made to bring about team spirit, bonhomie and a sense of closeness. The most awaited Miss Fresher’s contest was an integral part of this meet. The elimination rounds of this contest displayed to us the thoughts, the creativity and innovation of MBA I students. We actually witnessed a rainbow of personalities across the performance of the participants. Interestingly, this contest was judged by our alumni, Ms Darshika Chug and Ms Snigdha Das. Ms. Preeti Bhise was crowned Miss Fresher 2020-2021. All in all, this Freshers‘ party opened up beautiful secrets about students of MBA Part I.

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