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2 Day National Conference Social and Economic Trends: Millennial Impact

6th to 7th March, 2020

Resource Person: Dr. Manju Nichani, Dr. Uma Ganesh, Mr. Parthajeet Sharma, Dr. Gayatri Phadke, Ms. Neha Srimal, Dr. Ajay Kolhatkar, Diptaunsh Pardesh, Mr. Manav Lalwani, Ms. Nikita Bhargava, Mr. Himanshu Nagarkar, Mr. Ratan Pratap, Mr. Dinyar Mehta, Mr. Neeraj Prabhu, Mr. Sagar Papneja, Mr. Robin Banerjee

Day 1: 6 March’20 

The inauguration was done by Dr. Nanwani, Director, SVIMS and Dr. Manju Nichani, Rector, Sadhu Vaswani Institutes of learning. Both speakers talked about changing business scenario and how millennials think differently than other generations. 

Dr. Uma Ganesh, CEO - Global Talent Track, spoke on “Future of Work: Role and Opportunities for Millennials”. She elaborated on technological changes and its impact on business and projected future work trends: increase in project based work; salaried to independent working culture; skills will become more important than educational credentials. 

Mr. Parthajeet Sarma spoke how storytelling is used in marketing and the use of these by left and right side brain marketing strategists. He also spoke about the digital era and job losses to algorithms; jobs that did not exist 20 years back and the jobs which will vanish soon. Another important ingredient of his talk was workplace strategy and work life integration, new ways of storytelling views i.e. observe, engage and immerse. 

Dr. Gayatri Phadke, Senior Practice Consultant at Tata Management Training Centre discussed about millennial traits that make them successful: Millennials are More Fearful about Expiring Skills; Value Development over Compensation; want to either hop Organization or Experience; seek flexibility and work-life balance; they want to be mentored. She talked about learning channels and methods used by millennials like e-learning, video conferencing, webinar, learning through designed apps etc. 

Ms. Neha Shrimal, self-defence coach and corporate trainer spoke about her journey and challenges as a change maker and perseverance and passion are necessary for success. 

Dr. Ajay Kolhatkar, Senior Practice Consultant at Tata Management Training Centre enlightened the audience on the topic “Millennials- a Study in Contrasts”. He highlighted contrasts in terms of aspirations, expectations and concerns of Millennials, Gen X and Gen Z. 

Mr. Diptaunsh Pardeshi, Founder Director of Five Figures Marketing Solutions and Consultancy spoke about current economic trend in sports, opportunities and 12 Pillars of global sports competitiveness. 

Day 2: 7 March’20

Mr. Manav Lalwani, VP-Product Development American Spraytech who shared his experiences on “Millennials as colleagues & Consumer”. He elaborated on how traditional management practices don’t suffice for millennials. He highlighted various points for millennial colleagues like feedback systems, mutual respect, approachability, need to be heard, boost to innovative ideas and informal meetings which not only heightened morale of employees but enhanced productivity and revenue for company too. Changed priorities of millennial consumers towards environmentally sustainable products were also discussed.

Ms. Nikita Bhargava, Business Development Manager- Solar Press Solutions in Printing, She shared her experiences related to her own business and how she dealt with the millennials and the challenges she faced while dealing with generation X. 

Mr. Himanshu Nagarkar, a lawyer by profession who is also associated with Art of Living, shared his knowledge on topic “Millennial and Spirituality”. He discussed about purposes of our life and how love, fear and greed guide our actions

Mr. Ratan Pratap- Bollywood Anchor and TV Host talked about “Social Media and Millennials”. Mr. Pratap illustrated through examples how one can create brand image on social media as also the negative impact of social media in terms of impacting body Image, beauty standards, eating disorders and mental health. He enlightened the audience about new business models of social media and life of influencers. 

Mr. Dinyar Mehta, Crowdshare House Exchange Private Limited shared nitty gritty of digital marketing which acts as base for growth hacking. He stressed on importance of balance between pull and push marketing strategies.

Mr. Neeraj Prabhu, Shepherd’s Hill discussed “Financial Management for Millennials”. He made audience aware about how investing from early age can prove advantageous and youngsters should focus on saving and investing first rather than spending.

Mr. Sagar Papneja, Co-Founder-TWAD Teach with a Difference spoke about “Millennial Passion”. Through examples, he stressed on Passion being key to achieving success.

Mr.Robin Banerjee, MD- Caprihans (Mumbai) chaired the valedictory function & addressed the audience on “Millennial’s Influence on Social and Economic Trends”. He enthralled the audience with his remarkable speech and shared knowledge on how millennials have to tackle their problems smartly. Changing business scenario requires more entrepreneurship skills in jobs also, to make more money and convert disadvantage to advantage. He conversed about wealth distribution with Gini Coefficient in various countries and India is at good position than its peers. India is also poised to be on growth path after introduction of GST, Demonetization and IBC (Insolvency Banking Code). He gave an acronym for business success. Focus on FOURTH: Finance, Operations, Unique Selling Proposition, Risk Management, Technology, Human Resource.

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