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Guest Session – E-Filing of Income Tax Return

Dr. Divya Lakhani

Guest Session – E-Filing of Income Tax Return

2nd July, 2022

The program commenced with the welcome address by Dr. Divya Lakhani. Mr. Ravinder Singh Chawla explained the different heads of income – Salary, Income from House Property, Business/Profession, Capital Gains, and Income from Other Sources. He touched upon the avenues for tax planning like – S80C, S80D, etc. He then took a case study with income from salary, LTCG and IOS and explained the calculation of IT on EXCEL sheets as maintained by tax professionals. This helped the audience to get a practical exposure to tax filing process. The session then proceeded towards E-filing of returns on income tax portal. However, since the site was inaccessible, the same is being rescheduled.

Mr. Chawla answered questions relating to capital gains – long term and short term. The program concluded with vote of thanks

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