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Marketing of New Age Services

2 February 2022

Resource Person: Mr. Manoj Nair, Global Head of Marketing at Infosys

This session was conducted in an interview format. A series of questions ranging right from services like that of Hike messaging app, Tinder, services of a doula/mid-wife/dog walker, pet grooming services were asked to Mr. Manoj Nair, Global Head of Marketing at Infosys. He presented logical and fresh perspectives on these services. One of the examples are his views on that of services of doula/mid-wife. He said that in his perspective, these services will have better scope and demand only when a word is put up/backed up by the maternity hospital.
In regards with services of a Dog walker/grooming of pets, his views were that they are still in their growth phase even in well-established cities like that of Bangalore or Pune.
His views on new-age services like that of a dating app or apps backed by virtual and augmented reality gave us new perspectives to consider about these services

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