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Effectiveness of Emotional Quotient in the Corporate World

Resource Person: Ms. Mihika Bhanot, an Image Consultant

Effectiveness of Emotional Quotient in the Corporate World

When awareness is brought to an emotion, power is brought to your life and to create this awareness, we had invited Ms. Mihika Bhanot, an Image Consultant certified from the USA and a soft skills trainer with vast experience. She, very tactfully, demonstrated self-worth by crumpling a 100 rupee note, throwing it on the floor and then asking students if, merely, crumpling or throwing the note decreased the value of that currency. Through a variation of Dumb Charades, she brought their emotions to life and gave them lessons on team work, leadership and strategy making too. Throughout the session, it was through her personal experiences that she shared the techniques to control specific emotions at workplace and gave a very mature suggestion of either talking directly to the person with whom you have had problems or if you cannot take it anymore, just walk out of it with dignity.

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