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Your Career Objective is as much Ours too

Resource Person: Mr. Abhay Landge, Andhra Bank

Your Career Objective is as much Ours too

To emphasise and to open new avenues of career for our students, we arranged a session on Government exams and Banking exams, by Mr. Abhay Landge, on 17th September 2018. Mr. Abhay Landge is currently the Director of Winners Institute, coaching classes for guiding prospective students on Government and Banking exams and he has 7 years of experience of working in Andhra Bank.

This session proved to be an eye opener in breaking students’ myths, students’ perceptions about working in a Government sector. After Mr. Landge was done with delivering his session, there was one-on-one counselling arranged for students who were interested in working in Banks/Government organisations.

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