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German Culture Day

15th May, 2023

Participating Students

  • Time: 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm

  • Venue: Offline, Seminar Hall

  • Platform and link:

  • No. of Participants: 47 participants, Faculty – 01, Guests - 01, Students - 45


For students studying Foreign Languages, it is important that they know the culture of the foreign country. The programme helped the students to learn more about the German language, Culture and Lifestyle of Germans.

The first year MBA students organized German Culture Day, an event to showcase different aspects of German culture. Different Groups performed different activities like German Songs, Dances, Games like Dum charade  and Treasure Hunt, Fashion Show, Jokes and preparing German Salad and Sandwiches. The students tried to perform and explain in German language. The Treasure Hunt organizing team had kept a gift hamper for the winners to motivate the teams to play Treasure Hunt in German Language.

The German Culture Day was live streamed on Insta and Facebook.

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