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Visit to Darshan Museum

Prof. Harshali Bhalerao & Dr. Reshma Kadam

Visit to Darshan Museum

3rd December, 2022

Darshan Museum (Pune) showcases spiritual leader Sadhu T L Vaswani’s life and philosophical teachings through state-of-the-art technology. The Biopic-like Museum illustrates the unparalleled service to society done by Sadhu Vaswani and later ably carried forward by J.P. Vaswani. There are several mannequins and audio-visual mediums to depict the different stages of life of Sadhu Vaswani. People from all over the world are attracted towards this wonder. MBA and MCA students gathered at Sadhu Vaswani Mission. They went to see Darshan in groups of 20-25 students each. The journey of Sadhu TL Vaswani and the way the journey was illustrated using technology was worth appreciating.

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