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Menstruation: Voicing the Pain Behind the Taboos

18th January, 2023

A skit was performed by the students to bring about the theme of ‘The Right Conduct towards Menstruation’.

A skit was performed by the students to bring about the theme of ‘The Right Conduct towards Menstruation’. The skit was about a young girl experiencing menarche and the taboos set forth by her grandmother and the helplessness of her mother to go against the mother – in -law. The young girl, more than the physical pain, is shown undergoing emotional and mental pain of being ‘ostracized’ by the family for those five days for no fault of hers. The skit brought about many an emotion in the audience wherein the girls shared their experiences. Another student also addressed the concern of girls as young as the age of 8 or 9 getting their periods due to changing lifestyles. As such, there is now more need for early education for the girls as well as the boys regarding menstruation. There must be empathy and support rather than being treated as a victim or someone impure.
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