MBA Programme is now NBA Accredited (2024-2027)
Rotaract Club
The Rotaract Club of SVIMS is sponsored by Rotary Club of Pune Central. It was installed in 2014. The Rotaract Club provides our students with avenues to enhance their knowledge, skills and personality and an opportunity to address social/community issues and build bridges of friendship between people all over teh world.
Installation of the Rotaract Club - 26th October 2018

In the presence of esteemed Rotarians, President Mr. Ravi Kapoor, Mr. Rajiv Narvekar and Mr. Pankaj Mehrotra, the students of our institute came together to form the Board of the Rotaract Club and formally install the committee. The ceremony started with introduction for all the Rotarians, a short address by each of them and then the Board members proceeded to take the oath ritually taken by the Rotarians.
The ceremony was concluded with an address by our Director.
Installation of the Rotaract Club - 26th October 2018

In the the last four years of its installation the club has undertaken a number of activities aimed at self and professional development and community welfare.
Some of its activities are Blood Donation Drives, River Clean up Drives, entrpreneurial activities to fund some charities, organising in Baal melas [ fun filled programmes for children from challenged backgrounds] protecting the environment and taking up issues of environmental sustainability.
They have organised different workshops for personality development, first aid, and participated in RYLA [ Rotary Youth Leadership Awards] and MUNA [Model United Nation] programmes.